Create a Support Account:
Be sure to sign up separately for support!
Once you sign up, you will have complete access to our self service and you can use your account to raise support tickets and track their status.
Go to our Support Portal:
- Click on this link to go to our Customer Support Portal. It opens in a separate window. See example of the screen below.
- Click on Sign up at the top right corner of the screen. The Sign up form opens. See example of the Sign up form below.
The Sign up form will collect your user name and email address.
- Fill in your Full Name (First name + Family name)
- Fill in your Email
- Type the letters of the Captcha
- Click on the Register button
User activation:
Directly after you signed up you receive a 'Pitch and Match user activation' mail. See example of the mail below.
- Click on the URL to activate your account and select a password!
- Next you end up in the Customer Support Portal. See example of the screen below.
- Now you have complete access to our Solutions and FAQs, ask questions and learn from our user community. You can also raise Support issues and track their status.